Carpe Diem Holistic Wellness
A Holistic Wellness Boutique
About Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem was established Jan 2009, it's roots started at Rafferty Chiropractic and is now lovingly planted at it's current location in Coraopolis.  Through the years Carpe Diem has been involved in the community by holding food drives and charity events.  Carpe Diem has also traveled out to other events to help raise funds for the Think Pink Cancer Patient Assistance Fund and also visits company health fairs to help educate others on the benefits of massage. As a small business that is part of the brick and mortar of the United States, Carpe Diem believes in giving back to the community as much as possible.

What makes Carpe Diem special?  We are not a "revolving door spa" that lures  and dazzles clients in with a cheep price then pesters them to sign up for a membership, there aren't 20 different therapists that see you as just a body or a number to work on.  Here at Carpe Diem I believe in quality not quantity, you have a therapist that cares about every person that walks through her door and works hard to customize your massage to your needs.

© Copyright 2025 Carpe Diem Holistic Wellness. All rights reserved.